Country Living Essential Check List
Getting Started:
____ Property Zoned for Planned Use ____ Right of Ways and/or Set Backs ____ Access Over Other Property ____ Building Codes ____ Building Permits ____ Fence Laws ____ Prior Binding Easements ____ Flood Zone ____ Drainage Around Existing Buildings ____ Land is Surveyed ____ Title, Free & Clear Needed Structures or Repairs for Existing Structures: ____ Pond ____ Private Well ____ Terraces ____ Waterways ____ Spring Development ____ Entrance Driveway I need more information about: ____ Pasture Management
____ Controlling Noxious Weeds ____ Controlling Brush ____ Timber Stand Improvement ____ Marketing Timber ____ Alternative Crops ____ Raising a Few Acres of Vegetables ____ Gardening Shawnee Co. Conservation District 3231 SW Van Buren Topeka, KS 66611 |
____ Nearest Utilities
____ (Distance, time to work, other) ____ Where to Register and Where to Vote ____ (State Law requires license update within 10 days of moving.) ____ Tile Outlet Terraces ____ Septic System ____ Lagoon ____ Permanent Fences ____ Low Water Crossing ____ Corral System ____ Equitable Farm Leases ____ Mixing Chemicals ____ Burning Grass ____ Orchards ____ Prescribed Burning ____ Stocking a Pond ____ Stopping Ditches ____ Testing Wells ____ Seeding Grasses ____ Establishing a Wetland ____ Establishing Wildlife Habitat Phone: (785) 338-9946 Email: [email protected] |