Replacing a Pipe in a Pond
After several years metal principal spillway or draw down pipes installed in pond dams rust or corrode to the point they begin to leak or collapse. Maybe the pond you have never had a draw down pipe? In any case, the new pipe must be installed in a proper manner so it will not fail. In more cases the preferred material is PVC plastic pipe. Consult with your local Natural Resources Conservation Service office or a private engineer to determine proper size and other specific needs in your project.
Below are some key elements that are essential to a successful pipe replacement. It is not necessary to drain the pond to do a pipe replacement. But, this is very important. Resist raising the inlet elevation of the pipe in order to gain more water in the pond. In doing so it will destabilize the front face of the dam and shoreline. Severe erosion along the dam will start that will in time wash half the width of the dam away. It is very expensive to repair this.
If you are seeking some cost-share assistance in replacing a pond pipe, at the bottom of this page is a couple documents (Pipe Replacement Check List and Pipe Replacement Flowchart) used to begin the process. Call the Conservation District at (785) 266-9053 ext: 3 to apply for cost-share.
Please also view Basic Elements Of A Pond to gain a better understanding of pond dams before beginning project. Print page for reference.
Below are some key elements that are essential to a successful pipe replacement. It is not necessary to drain the pond to do a pipe replacement. But, this is very important. Resist raising the inlet elevation of the pipe in order to gain more water in the pond. In doing so it will destabilize the front face of the dam and shoreline. Severe erosion along the dam will start that will in time wash half the width of the dam away. It is very expensive to repair this.
If you are seeking some cost-share assistance in replacing a pond pipe, at the bottom of this page is a couple documents (Pipe Replacement Check List and Pipe Replacement Flowchart) used to begin the process. Call the Conservation District at (785) 266-9053 ext: 3 to apply for cost-share.
Please also view Basic Elements Of A Pond to gain a better understanding of pond dams before beginning project. Print page for reference.
1. REMOVE OVERBURDEN in at least a 10 foot wide trench down to the old pipe. In addition, a side slope of at least 1.5:1 must be maintained on either side of the trench so soil can later be repacked properly. DO NOT dig a vertical trench to dig out the old pipe or to install a pipe in a pond without a pipe. It will wash out.
2. COMPLETELY REMOVE OLD PIPE AND COLLARS. DO NOT attempt to fill the old pipe with concrete. Sometimes a drop inlet style pipe can replaced with a canopy inlet design. Consult with your engineer about the possibility.
3. RECONSTRUCT PAD along trench to match the planned pipe grade.
4. ANTI-SEEP COLLAR locations are determined. Soil is excavated to accommodate collars.
5. NEW PIPE is placed in the trench, anti-seep collars attached and pipe is assembled.
6. SOIL IS MANUALLY TAMPED around and along the full length of the pipe to at least 2 foot of depth over pipe. Also, hand tamp around the anti-seep collars.
7. ANTI-SEEP COLLAR prevents water from seeping down the outside of the pipe which could wash out the pipe.
8. FILL remainder of the area in 6 inch lifts and compact until the pond dam is fully restored in size.
9. SEED dam as soon as possible, preferably before the first rain. Mulch if possible.
1. REMOVE OVERBURDEN in at least a 10 foot wide trench down to the old pipe. In addition, a side slope of at least 1.5:1 must be maintained on either side of the trench so soil can later be repacked properly. DO NOT dig a vertical trench to dig out the old pipe or to install a pipe in a pond without a pipe. It will wash out.
2. COMPLETELY REMOVE OLD PIPE AND COLLARS. DO NOT attempt to fill the old pipe with concrete. Sometimes a drop inlet style pipe can replaced with a canopy inlet design. Consult with your engineer about the possibility.
3. RECONSTRUCT PAD along trench to match the planned pipe grade.
4. ANTI-SEEP COLLAR locations are determined. Soil is excavated to accommodate collars.
5. NEW PIPE is placed in the trench, anti-seep collars attached and pipe is assembled.
6. SOIL IS MANUALLY TAMPED around and along the full length of the pipe to at least 2 foot of depth over pipe. Also, hand tamp around the anti-seep collars.
7. ANTI-SEEP COLLAR prevents water from seeping down the outside of the pipe which could wash out the pipe.
8. FILL remainder of the area in 6 inch lifts and compact until the pond dam is fully restored in size.
9. SEED dam as soon as possible, preferably before the first rain. Mulch if possible.
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